Agendas and Minutes
Board meeting are generally held at 6 p.m. on the second Thursday of each month and fourth Thursday in January-May.
The first meeting of the month is the board’s business meeting, which is held in public observing the New York State Open Meetings Law and Robert’s Rules of Order.
The second meeting of the month is informational in nature. Presentations are made to the board on various topics, administrators provide updates and board committees report on their activity.
Videos of board meetings can be seen on the district’s YouTube channel. (Please note there were audio issues for the Aug. 2024 meeting, so it is unavailable for viewing. Please see the meeting minutes in BoardDocs.)
Upcoming meeting schedule for 2025 ( All meetings are at 6 p.m. unless otherwise noted) Meetings will be held in HS room 113.
Agenda and Minutes
Board meeting agendas, minutes and other materials are available to the public through the board’s BoardDocs system.
For materials from prior to Jan. 2017, call the District Office at 518-673-6302.
Addressing the Board of Education
The Board of Education recognizes its responsibility to hear public comment and encourages the public to attend board meetings. Visitors have the opportunity to address the Board of Education during the “public comment” period held at the beginning of each meeting.
If a person would like to address the board, they should notify the District Clerk prior to the start of the meeting at 6 p.m. by signing up before the meeting and checking the box next to their name. If a person knows in advance they would like to address the board, they may contact the district clerk at 518-673-6302 to be included on the agenda.
Comments should not exceed five minutes and should directly relate to school matters. Comments regarding the performance or conduct of individual staff and students will not be accepted
Send questions, comments and concerns to the Canajoharie Central School District Board of Education and its individual board members via email, 518-673-6302, or:
Canajoharie Central School District
Board of Education
136 Scholastic Way
Canajoharie, NY 13317
The Board of Education has five standing committees. The purpose of these committees is to provide counsel and information to the full board. Meetings will be announced as they are scheduled. Meetings will be held in the high school conference room unless otherwise noted.
District and Board Goals
Email Members
Mark Brody, President
Phone: 518-469-6985
Heidi Meka, Vice President
Patricia Prime
Lauri Broady
Keith Baker