Health and Safety
(this is a sample page, info and links should be updated)
Health and safety are two of our top priorities in the Canajoharie Central School district.
Physical examination (for doctor use)
Elementary/Middle School Nurse – Ms. Haley Ferguson, L.P.N – 518-673-6314
High School Nurse – Mrs. Alicia Downs, R.N – 518-673-6334
School Psychologist – Dr. Kelly Swart, 518-673-6307
Social Worker – Lindsey Hodge, 518-673-6336
Athletics Physicals
To register to play athletics you must sign up through the athletic department’s online forms.
Hard copies of forms are available in the main office and nurse’s office.
Regular attendance and school success go hand in hand. Students are expected to attend school every day. More detailed information
As required by New York State, effective Sept. 1, 2017, the below immunization schedule must be followed for children in grades Pre K-12 entering/enrolled in public schools. More detailed information
Please contact your child’s physician or your school
nurse with questions
Required immunizations
3-4 doses Polio (IPV/OPV)
1-2 doses MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella)
1-2 doses Varicella (chickenpox)
3-5 doses DTap, DPT, Tdap (Diphtheria, Tetanus
and Pertussis)1 dose Tdap (Tetanus, Diphtheria, and Pertussis) – Note: Required only for students enrolling in grades 6-12 who have not previously received a Tdap at 7 years of age or older.
2-3 doses Hepatitis B • 1-2 doses Meningococcal conjugate vaccine
(MenACWY) – Note: New requirement for students entering grades 7 and 12.
Medication, Prescription, and Non-Prescription Pain Relievers
New York State Education Department Guidelines state that ALL medications, including over-the-counter medications, given at school, require the following:
A written order from your child’s physician stating the name of the medication, dosage, frequency and time of administration;
A written statement from the parent or guardian requesting administration of the medication in school; and
Delivery of the medication to the health office by a parent or guardian in a properly labeled “original” / pharmacy container. Elementary students are NOT allowed to carry medications to and from school.
At the secondary level, emergency medications such as epi-pens and inhalers can be carried by those students who are determined to be self-directed with written orders from the student’s medical provider.
BMI Recording
New York requires school districts to keep students’ height and weight data and to calculate students’ Body Mass Index (BMI) to check for underweight or overweight youngsters based on their height and weight.
If surveyed by the NYSDOH, the district will share the number of pupils in each of six BMI categories based on students’ age and sex.
If surveyed by the state, we will provide group data, not individual data.
Parents may exclude their child’s data from group calculations by contacting the school nurse.